Education Technology
Education Technology
Vision |
Transforming Learning through Technology |
Mission |
Cultivate a Safe Learning Environment where Anthonians are Empowered to Embrace ICT in order to Enhance Learning, Encourage Collaboration and Support Self-Directed Learning. |
As the use of ICT becomes more essential in learning, life and work, SAPS aims to equip students with the necessary skills, values and dispositions to navigate the Cyber space and to optimise their learnings by tapping on the affordances of ICT tools with confidence and discernment.
Key Programmes
Baseline ICT Standards and New Media Literacies
The Baseline ICT Standards and New Media Literacies is a set of ICT and literacy skills that our students will learn over their 6 years in St. Anthony’s Primary School.
The Baseline ICT Standards define the basic level of knowledge, skills and values that our students need in order to fully benefit from a curriculum enriched with ICT, and eventually thrive in a technology-driven society, while New Media Literacies in Singapore schools’ context are defined as ‘the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values that students should apply and demonstrate when harnessing technologies for learning’.
The school incorporates MOE’s baseline ICT standards and New Media Literacies of “Curate, Create and Connect” into our curriculum to better support students’ learning with and through technology. Through this, we hope to enhance the quality of our Anthonians’ learning and to increase their engagement and motivation to learn.

Cyber Wellness
At SAPS, we believe that all of us can be the first line of defence against threats in the digital domain. In alignment with MOE Cyber Wellness principles of Respect for Self & Others, Safe & Responsible Use, and Positive Peer Influence, the school’s Cyber Wellness programme adopts an inquiry-based approach towards helping Anthonians become respectful, responsible and discerning digital users who advocate healthy cyberspace activities.
The SAPS Cyber Wellness programme includes the following:
● Maintaining netiquette
● Recognising and preventing dangerous cyberspace encounters
● Overcoming gaming addiction
● Stopping cyberbullying
Through sharing sessions by the school’s CyTech champions and cyber wellness assembly programmes, the cyber wellness team continues to surface real-life case studies and promptly share learning points with the rest of the school community. We hope to continue empowering Anthonians to uplift and support one another in our efforts to promote positive and safe cyberspace experiences for all.
Working Hand in Hand with Parents
We work with parents to ensure that our Anthonians are safe online. The CyBites section, featured in every alternate month’s Anthonian Updates newsletter, discusses current cyber wellness issues and shares tips on promoting healthy cyber activities at home.
To view more tips on how to help your child navigate through the cyberspace, click here: